The regulatory framework for product returns and repairs as well as legal requirements in the context of the circular economy are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, rising material costs pose major challenges for many companies. The circular economy provides approaches for reducing costs and opening up new business models and fields. FIR Aachen GmbH helps you to analyze and adapt your existing business processes in order to guide you from linear to circular value creation. Together, we develop comprehensive concepts ranging from the implementation of reverse logistics processes to the planning of reprocessing in your factory, always taking into account and integrating your existing and future IT systems.
In order to realize a competitive circular economy, the traditional processes of many companies need to be adapted. New requirements arise in order processing, such as the high volatility of return quantities in reverse logistics, the interruption of information flows due to the utilization phase and the lack of transparency in dismantling depth and planning.
We pursue hybrid approaches that incorporate both the processes of linear value creation and the requirements of the circular economy. Our solutions include taking into account the reuse rate of products and components in production planning, the creation of dynamic work schedules and the development of concepts for the return and disposition of products to be reprocessed. We always consider the integration of operational application systems as the basis for efficient processes.
What we offer
Our expertise lies in the development and optimization of process and IT system landscapes for companies that want to successfully make the transition to a circular economy:
Our experts will support you in implementing competitive circular economy processes. Contact us for a customized consultation or for more information.